Acceptable entries
- To be valid, each entry must be a photograph that you have taken and newly uploaded yourself of an eligible subject, either a listed building or a scheduled monument.
- Entries must be received during the month of September, ie between 00:00 BST on 1st Sept and 24:00 BST on 30th Sept. It doesn’t matter when you took the photo.
- To be eligible for a prize and for entry into the international phase of the contest you need to supply and maintain a valid email address. Entrants who do not supply an active email address may be disqualified.
- We recommend that you enter via the official upload wizard, which will automatically categorise your entry and tag it with the preferred free licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA 4.0).
- Expert users may upload to Wikimedia Commons manually, but must use the official template and must identify the specific subject shown using the unique official number maintained by Historic England, Historic Environment Scotland, Cadw, or NIEA). You must supply your entry under a free copyright licence (eg CC-BY-SA 4.0) or release it to the public domain.
Not eligible
- Videos and other types of moving image; non-photographic works such as drawings; or computer-generated works.
- Images with visible watermarks, advertisements, signatures and the like.
- You cannot enter a photo that you have previously uploaded to Wikimedia Commons before 1st September.
- As the images will be hosted on Wikimedia Commons, all entries must fall within Commons’ scope. Any that do not will be disqualified and may be deleted without notice. (In practice, almost all straightforward photos of listed buildings in the UK will be fine, and it’s not essential to read those detailed pages).
Image resolution
Please submit images that are as large as possible and do not “downsize for the web”. Wikimedia Commons is a media repository that values high resolution images for many purposes including print. Images below 5 megapixels are less likely to be considered for a prize as they lack usability at larger sizes, especially in print.
The contest is largely organised by volunteers, and the organisers reserve the right to modify these rules or to cancel the contest at their sole discretion, if necessary even after it has started. The organisers accept no responsibility for the provision by the sponsors of any prizes, nor of any liability whatsoever in respect of this contest. Neither the rules nor anything on these pages amount to an offer to create legally binding relations with any of the organisers.
The jury may decline to award any specific prize, at their absolute discretion. Prizes will not be awarded in any category with fewer than 1000 entries or where the entries are of insufficient merit. The decisions of the organisers and jury are final.
The email address you provide will not be made publicly available to anyone (including the organisers) but will enable registered users of Wikimedia Commons to contact you via an email form. You agree to being contacted via this route by anyone connected with the competition, including Wikimedia UK. Members of the jury and trustees/staff of Wikimedia UK are not eligible to receive any award, although they are otherwise welcome to contribute images.
See also our privacy policy.
Questions about the rules? Please leave a message on the FAQ page and we will be happy to help.